Treehouse Kalinga

Client — Private
Area of Expertise — Town Planning
Location — Kalinga, Brisbane


Project Description

This application for a new house, nestled in a leafy Brisbane street, was faced with a number of challenges due to signficant site constraints including flooding, biodiversity and the waterway corridor which is located at the rear of the site. In addition, the site is located in the Traditional Building Character Overlay, such that the development was required to provide a built form outcome which aligned with the traditional Queenslander vernacular.

Given the significant constraints, detailed due diligence was undertaken to ensure the proposed development complied with the requirements under the Planning Scheme, with the architect providing a built form outcome which responded to the numerous site constraints. As a result of the extensive work undertaken in the preliminary stages, the proposed development was approved in less than 2 months and with no information request from Council.


Source: Cal Turner Architects